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The Schmid’s Story CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO TOUR OF 27 JARVIS CREEK WAY! Buying a new house can be a daunting task. So much to think about. Moving, finances, etc. It is also an exhilarating new adventure of exploration into a new neighborhood. Take it from owners Jimmy, Blake, their son JP, their dog George AND their baby girl on the way: Why …
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean neque dolor, posuere ac gravida et, hendrerit at ante. Donec sapien elit, consectetur id turpis quis, maximus ultricies lorem. Ut non nibh venenatis, feugiat ante eu, volutpat odio. Aliquam maximus sit amet odio vitae placerat. Fusce vel velit cursus nulla tempus blandit id eget eros. Suspendisse imperdiet purus eget nunc semper pharetra. Proin faucibus nulla …